Part 150 Study Update
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The Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airport Authority (BGPAA or Authority) is updating the Hollywood Burbank Airport (BUR or Airport) Noise Compatibility Study (Study or Part 150 Study) in accordance with the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA’s) process codified under Title 14, Part 150 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR Part 150 or Part 150). A Part 150 Study is a voluntary, federally funded and supervised formal process for airport operators to address aircraft noise in terms of land use compatibility. A Part 150 Study includes the following two principal elements:
- The Noise Exposure Map (NEM) element describes the airport layout and operation, aircraft-related noise exposure, land uses in the airport environs, and the resulting noise/land use compatibility. Part 150 requires that the documentation address aircraft operations during two time periods: the year of submission and a forecast year at least five years following the year of submission.
- The Noise Compatibility Program (NCP) element describes the actions the airport proprietor recommends to address existing and future land use incompatibilities with aircraft operations.
It is important to understand the objectives and limitations of this Study.
A Part 150 Study
- Determines the current and projected annualized aircraft noise exposure surrounding the Airport using the Community Noise Equivalent Level (CNEL) noise metric.
- Identifies measures to improve land use compatibility around the Airport.
- Creates a method for implementing, evaluating, and updating the Airport’s NCP as necessary.The Noise Compatibility Program (NCP) element describes the actions the airport proprietor recommends to address existing and future land use incompatibilities with aircraft operations.
A Part 150 Study does not
- Evaluate aircraft operations from other nearby area airports.
- Consider other types of effects from aircraft operations (air quality, accidents, etc.).
- Use noise metrics other than CNEL to assess noise effects.
Stakeholder and Public Participation
As part of this process, a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) will be formed. The TAC provides a venue for users of the Airport, land use planning officials, and other interested persons to submit their views, data, and comments during NEM and NCP development. The TAC is advisory in nature, as the Authority Commission is responsible for the certification of the NEM, and the decision on proposed NCP measures.
A Citizen’s Advisory Committee (CAC) will be formed to provide broad community perspectives on the Part 150 Study. The CAC will be comprised of representatives from the Cities of Burbank, Glendale, and Pasadena as approved by the Authority Commission. All CAC meetings are open to the public in accordance with the Brown Act. Meeting information and materials are available below.
A series of four public open houses and one public hearing are planned for the Study between 2025-2026. Once confirmed, dates and details of the open houses will be posted to this page and distributed via email to the project database. Be sure to sign up below to receive the latest updates!
A Part 150 Study is a multi-year endeavor that is purposefully deliberative in nature. It is anticipated that the first phase of the Part 150 Study will be completed in 2025 with the submission of the NEM, and the Part 150 Study will conclude in 2027 with the submission of the NCP.
Study Timeline
The table below is an initial schedule for open houses and key milestones for the Part 150 Study. Dates and timing are subject to change as the project progresses. Please view this page often to obtain the latest updates to the schedule.

Community Events
Open House #1

Thanks For Joining Us!
Your participation and feedback are important to our study process, and we look forward to keeping you involved as the study continues. If you were not able to attend the recent open house meeting on January 30, 2025, you can access the display boards below.
- Display Boards (English | Spanish | Armenian)
The next community open house is anticipated to be held on May 29, 2025.
Citizen’s Advisory Committee Meetings
A nine-member Citizen’s Advisory Committee (CAC) has been formed to provide broad community perspectives on the Part 150 Noise Compatibility Planning Study. CAC meetings are anticipated to be held every two to four months throughout the study. All CAC meetings are open to the public. The agenda and presentation for the first CAC meeting held on January 30, 2025, are accessible in the Resources section below. The next CAC meeting is expected to be held on March 27, 2025.
Contact Us
For questions, please contact BURPart150Study@arellanoassociates.com